Piani dell’App Store di Epic sfumati poiché Apple termina il conto sviluppatore 🚀❌

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Bugie di P, Hello Kitty Island Adventure tra i vincitori degli Apple App Store Awards 2023

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Hello Kitty Island Adventure, i sopravvissuti dei vampiri tra i finalisti del premio Apple App Store 2023

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Pokemon Sleep Come Aggiungere Amici’ In this guide, we will show you how to add friends in the exciting new game, Pokemon Sleep. Because let’s be honest, sleeping is always better with friends! Step 1 Open the Pokemon Sleep app on your device. If you don’t have it yet, go ahead and download it from the app store. Trust us, it’s worth it! Step 2 Once you’re in the app, tap on the menu button. It’s usually located in the top left or right corner of the screen. Look for the icon that looks like three horizontal lines. Tap on it and let the magic happen! Step 3 From the menu, find the Friends option and tap on it. It might be hiding under a submenu, so keep your eyes peeled. You don’t want to miss out on making new friends! Step 4 Now, you should see an option to Add Friends. Tap on it and get ready for some friend-making action. It’s like swiping right, but for Pokemon trainers! Step 5 There are several ways to add friends in Pokemon Sleep. You can choose to add friends through social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. If you’re feeling old-school, you can also add friends by exchanging friend codes. Just make sure you don’t accidentally send your mom’s phone number instead! Step 6 Once you’ve added a friend, you can send them sleep invites and compete with each other to see who can catch the most Z’s. It’s like a sleepover, but without the pillow fights! And that’s it, my fellow sleepy trainers! Now you know how to add friends in Pokemon Sleep. So go out there, make some new friends, and have a snooze-tastic time catching Pokemon in your dreams. Happy sleeping!

Aggiungere amici in Pokemon Sleep può essere vantaggioso per entrambi, quindi vediamo come aggiungerne a volontà.

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